Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dancing Horse Challenge - Videos!

I've attended the PVDA Ride for Life Dancing Horse Challenge the past 5 years, and it has gotten better and better each year! This year, I really missed last year's horse that kicked the beach ball across the arena (I squealed like a little kid when I saw that trick!), but even without the trick horse, the show was spectacular!

It was also SO exciting to watch my own trainer, Silva Martin, riding her OTTB Sea Lord in the show - he looked stellar in his racing gear and the crowd loved him! Silva has posted pictures and video on her blog, but I thought I'd go ahead and post my video too as it's from a little different angle and catches her exit from the arena (full of smiles, waving, and big pats for Sea Lord)!

But, Bent Jensen as Lady Gaga stole the show. There are no words. Watch the video! Yes, those are high-heeled go-go boots. He couldn't put them into stirrups, so the entire thing was done without stirrups - next time Ryan Wood tells me to drop my stirrups, I'm going to insist on putting on my white go-go boots!

Here are a few other clips from the show - take special note of the first rider, Shannon Dueck - she is a breast cancer survivor! GO GIRL!

I heard that 6,000 people attended the Dancing Horse Challenge this year - I hope to see you there next year too!

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