Meanwhile, the Golightly gang is working step-by-step towards our own level of brilliance! On Saturday, Adrianne, Debi and I (with Kerry and my mom as water girls, film crew, and EMTs) enjoyed this insanely HOT fall weather on the Marlborough XC course. The folks at Marlborough graciously granted Katchi a free go around as a consolation prize for the "golf cart incident" - they promised there were no golf carts on course this weekend, so we were off to a good start! Actually, all 3 of us had a great day. Debi followed up her Beginner Novice win by tackling quite a few Novice fences, with equal success. Adrianne tackled Tori's up-bank (and down bank!) demons - and won - as well as several Novice fences too. It's such fun to see these two ladies and their horses really embracing the challenge of eventing and the confidence that comes with success!
And then there was Katchi, who continues to to become more and more brilliant with each go. Something has clicked for him this year, and he's taking on every new challenge with confidence and ease - like he's been doing it his whole life! He jumped his first prelim corner, straight as an arrow, like it was a simple cross rail! There will be more bumps in the road as we put our eyes on the upper levels, but I sure am enjoying the journey right now!
And speaking of journeys, my mom and I depart for WEG at o'dark thirty on Tuesday morning. So, the next post will be from Kentucky! I'm hoping to do a couple of photo updates during our 6 days there - I know all the news will be covered by "real" websites, but I hope to share some views of non-media interests (like shopping, Kentucky bourbon tasting, food, and did I mention SHOPPING?!).
And to end this post with a couple of photos - I mentioned before about the scary as $%&! trakhaner on the Marlbourgh course - after we finished our school, we took a little detour to introduce the Beginner Novice horses to their future and let Katchi see that ditch he sailed over last weekend! They were too funny sniffing and checking it all out - if horses could talk, that would have been a priceless conversation! We had finished schooling, we got off and drug them over to peer into this ditch - I can imagine Katchi chatting away about how brave he is, while the BN girls roll their eyes at his machismo ranting! I don't care how well it rode, that was one tough Training level trakhaner and Katchi has the right to brag to anyone he wants!
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