He goes on...
Eventing Tip No. 73. Cross-Country Attire. "Cross-country attire should be distinctive without being distracting. Choose colors that are similar to the colors you have chosen for your stable colors, keeping in mind that hot pink is probably not the best of all possible choices. ... Resist the temptation to have matching everything from your reins down to your bell boots."
Do the man's words mean nothing to me??
The first time I met Jimmy, which I am certain he does not remember, I was 17 years old and had arrived in Georgia for the 1994 CCN* Jr/Young Riders Championships. I was schooling my horse with my coach, Mike Huber. This was a special event, even the schooling part of it. I dressed up. I had some frightening combination of lime green and hot pink everything - polo wraps, saddle pad, polo shirt... I come over to the railing where Mike is speaking with the GOD Jimmy, who says to Mike, "She always this color coordinated?" I don't think Mike answered. Geeze. I even embarassed my coach.
It's 15 years later. I just bought a blue saddle. I run a serious risk of being featured on "Tacky Tack of the Day". And I LOVE it! And I'm scared to death to let Jimmy see it! I am going to be "That Girl with the Blue Saddle".
At the USEA Gala a couple of weeks ago, Jimmy was looking dashing in his bow tie and tuxedo. He liked my little black dress. I had a few glasses of wine. I thought - before the next lesson, when I'm nervous and care - I think Jimmy wants to know about the Blue Saddle tonight. He didn't. He walked away. I tried to use Sharon White's orange saddle, and Phillip Dutton's blue saddle as a defense - he said he gives them hell for it too. Oh dear. He did tell me that I would probably ride better in that blue saddle if I was wearing the short dress! Hum... Now there's an idea!
So, I thought I would introduce the blue saddle now - with a promise that much news is to come with it's formal introduction to Jimmy, it's first competition appearance, and what do you think Lucinda Green will think of it at the Win Green clinic in April?!?!
For those who are wondering, it's a Barnsby. And it's not all blue. It's tactfully blue. Pictures below. Is it fabulous, or what?!?!

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