Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Plan, Re-plan, and Plan Again

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Cross Country Camry
Manning its field.
A careful eye on the Intermediate 1/2 Coffin.
The Training swail.
Oh yea, and it rained too - in August - so much for the tan I was planning to get during my day of jump judging.
Now lets talk Trakehners for a minute. Here are Waredaca's Prelim and Intermediate Trakehners. If we were to play a little game of which one is more like the horrible evil Prelim Trakehner at Loch Moy, which one would win?
Prelim Trakehner -
1. Nice solid ground line (nope, not at Loch Moy!)
2. Ditch underneath (yep, Loch Moy too - oh, but, Loch Moy's is about twice as deep and twice as wide).
3. Pretty minimal space between ditch and rail.
Intermediate Trakehner -
1. No groundline.
2. Huge ditch.
3. Freaking enormous.
4. Shit, this one's even the same color as Loch Moy's!
My conclusion: Loch Moy Prelim Trakehner = Waredaca Intermediate Trakehner.
Well, the good news is, when Katchi runs Intermediate at Waredaca, I can pretty much tell him to suck it up and jump the Trakehner, because he jumped one just as hard at his first Prelim!!!
If the weather holds tomorrow, I've got 4 headed back out to Win Green for another day of XC schooling - I really should buy a time share down there!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
A Prelim Photo Montage

Big Freakin' Table!
Outta da' water!
And over da' house!
And even a water to water!
Oh, I love these pictures!!! Thanks so much to GRC for capturing my memories forever!
In other news... last weekend was full of dressage! Katchi and I were able to get our first dressage lesson with Silva Martin in ages, and Katchi was a star! Silva rode him for quite a while, and he was dead pooped by the time she turned him over to me! But, oh, didn't he feel lovely after she worked her magic! Kerry and Atticus also came along and had a stunning lesson - I'm still in awe with how much they have improved in the brief 1.5 years since we first met. Last weekend, I also had the great privilege of sitting on my good friend Eeyore for the first time! I think one of the most rewarding parts about riding is helping a horse to see that first glimmer of light about connection, forward, and relaxation - I think Eeyore got a good glimpse of his future, and he felt stunning! Watch out folks - he's gonna knock your socks off very soon! AND, lastly, a HUGE congrats to Karrie and Baggio who survived their first dressage show together (PVDA at CDI) - they scored in the 60s in both their tests, with Karrie making a solid 5 point improvement between tests. As a coach, it's absolutely fabulous when a student listens carefully to your thoughts, makes the changes, and reaps the benefits!
August continues to be a month of refocus and re-invigoration for me - Katchi has enjoyed 4 days vacation (part of a promised week-long vacation that will end prematurely tomorrow as he's getting into WAY too much trouble being too fit and too bored) - and I've been taking some time to ramp up my fitness work and refocus my mind in hope of taking on the fall season with full power. If anyone is looking for a rider-focused fitness regime, give Debbie Rodriquez' DVDs a go - she'll hurt you - seriously!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Cupcakes, Beer, & A Gag Bit
But, it was not in vain! On Sunday, Katchi and I took 3 others out to Win Green for an absolutely beautiful day of XC schooling. And Eeyore got to try out the new gag bit - and there is strong evidence that he likes it! At least, he had a fantastic day of schooling in it, so that's a start! And his mom brought be a big ol' beer for my troubles!

Eeyore & Susan at MDHT II - after he enjoyed a little extra distance on the course! :)
I cannot put into words just how much I love going to Win Green! It is Disneyland for baby eventers (and big eventers too!). I am in absolute awe of the puzzles that Leslie has put into action at her farm. And all 4 ponies were fantastic in her puzzles! Katchi was a bit bored, as he was only there to pop over some ditches and into the water (and get a few reminder wacks about the "look AND jump" rule). But he was a good sport. Karrie and Baggio made their first real XC voyage and wow did they impress! As we were just about finished, I asked Karrie if there was anything else she wanted to do - she said, "I'm feeling brave, challenge me!" That from the girl who 2 hours before was happy to have trotted around the big field and still be alive! And Eeyore, sporting his fancy gag bit, was perhaps the bravest of all! He's right on the cusp of figuring out that XC is just about the most fun any horse could ever wish for - and what fun it is to watch his eyes and ears (big floppy Eeyore ears!) as he sees how amazing life can be! I'm actually not sure who was wearing the bigger smile - Eeyore or Susan! And then there was Lincoln - don't be mistaken, he is the President! He took on the big boy challenges one by one and said - is that all you got?!
And to end an absolutely lovely day in the XC field - we sat around in the shade for a bit, talkig horses, and enjoying cupcakes and beer! Is there any better summer day possible?! Cupcakes, beer, and a gag bit!